Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Baby T!

A little miracle sent from above
A baby boy to cuddle and love!

Baby T was prematurely born into this world! He is tough and strong and grew each day to catch up.
He is now 2 months old and perfect as ever!
Such a precious site and grateful to be friends with this family!  <3 you all!

Milk Coma! haha

Baby K!

Ummm, HELLO! Right?!!! Winner of the sweetest pumpkin pie contest!
He did so great. He might look a little serious but this baby 
has a smile that will make your heart flutter all the way to Kalamazoo!

Baby H!

I held this little schnookem pie for one minute and my heart melted into a big puddle of mush! 

She was such a little sweetie! Made my day!!!